Jaret Reddick
If you had asked me 10 years ago about anxiety or depression, I would not have had a clue how to even answer you.
Naoto Shibata
This is something that gives me the motivation to progress into the future...
Alicia Divens
The biggest piece of advice I can give anyone who is dealing with a difficult time is to learn to LET GO.
James Lomenzo
The key coping strategies that I try to employ everyday are kindness and forgiveness_for yourself as well as others.
Sean Tibbetts
It was the best thing I did for myself and my family.
Sam Bettley
When things get a little overwhelming for me I like to slow everything down. First thing I do is get off social media.
Tricie Soulos
I stay in motion physically, mentally, and creatively.
Michael Wolpers
I learned that the best way for me is to accept the struggle. I'm not gonna fight or deny it.
Heri Joensen
When I was young Heavy Metal lifted my spirts. Since then, making more Metal has been my life's work.
Tilen Hudrap
People always see the big crowds, festivals, arenas and stage lights and think our life (the life of global musicians) is perfect. Far from it.
Oliver Palotai
Also, I often had periods where I felt a certain melancholy. A lot of darkness, an inner weight pressing down on me.
Mirkko De Maio
Everyone has their dark time, everyone fights his/her own battle.
Vikram Shankar
When I was younger, coping took all manners of forms, and very few of them were effective.
Glenn Harveston
Dealing with depression is one of the hardest things you will face. My strategy is to keep it simple at first.
Louis St. August
What works for me would be a long outdoor peaceful walk while breathing in some cool fresh air...
Elina Siirala
From experience I would say, that I have a couple of really good childhood friends who are always there for me....
John Gallagher
Move on & don’t beat yourself up because shit happens... just the way it is!
Anders Johansson
"When the going gets though... the tough get going! "Sounds like buzzword or a set phrase but I really try to live by it.
Todd Michael Hall
For me it's fairly simple in the sense that I believe strongly you need to focus on (count) your blessings.
Anders Engberg
Never give up how dark it seems. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Tom S. Englund
I walk. In nature or by the ocean where I live.
Christina Chriss
I take a step back and remember that everything happens for a reason.
Ralf Scheepers
I try to adapt to the situation and build a positive thinking strategy.
Arjen Lucassen
Not even music could save me, I was empty and without inspiration.
Christian Lawrence
As we get older being more flexible is so important to stay limber, healthy and strong.
Leah Burlington
So in my younger years I found music as a way out and my way to cope. Heavy Metal became a way of life.
Sarah Teets
My biggest method has been spending as much time as I can in Nature.
Rasmus Bom Andersen
For me music is my therapy. When I get sucked into that dark place...
Dirk Kennedy
How Blessed I am and how lucky I am for the many gifts in my life.
Jay Jay French
There are many strategies. First off, therapy can work...
Monty Colvin
"God is clearing a path for you. Stay on the path." I will never forget those words.
Dot Stein
I drink a lot of water, eat fruit and veggies and either jog, swim or go for a very brisk walk to break a sweat.
Jonas Heidgert
...which always lifted some of the negativity from my shoulders.
Diego Valadez
Is there something deeper that might be making me feel the way that I’m feeling?
Jacob Hansen
In my early teens I felt like an outcast and there was no one telling me otherwise.
Steve Blaze
Whenever I am going through a very difficult time the first thing I do is stop and take a deep breath.
Gina Glockler
I think one that has always been a go to is getting into my car for a long drive at night...
Jack Starr
I would like to say how important it is that mental health be taken seriously.
Bart Gabriel
There are few mechanisms and ways that help me in those hardest moments...
Nigel Glockler
I also find going for a walk on the seafront really helps - taking the dog out kind of forces me to do that!
Dalila Kriheli
I was turned onto jumping rope and proper nutrition from a dear friend that I met on the road...
Darrell Millar
There is a old saying. It’s darkest before the dawn. A very accurate statement of how life rolls.
Terry Ilous
When things get absolute dark and they sometimes do, I change my everyday routine.
Jens Anderson
I try to stay in shape physically by training, and mentally by writing and playing music.
Marta Gabriel
...but I learned how to minimize its affect on my body and my mental health.
John Bruno
I really just try to occupy my thoughts with the most positive things in my life.
Timo Tolkki
I guess it really comes down to that you just have to keep going no matter what.
Johnny Gioeli
When life becomes a challenge or hard, I look to gratitude as my cure.
Jenna Syde
When things suck, I work out. I may not be able to control the world around me but I can control the world within me.
Nick Holleman
Coping with problems and staying mentally healthy can be a very difficult thing. To tell the mind to stop worrying is incredibly hard.
Ashley Worhol
"I just want to feel normal" are the words I use to tell myself and my family when I would have an anxiety attack.
Kelly Sundown Carpenter
When this pandemic hit us, the inability to play live music, travel or even see friends took me to a very dark and empty place.
Tony Harnell
I think the most important one may be talking to a friend.
Johan Koleberg
When I get to play drums. Live, rehearsal, alone, studio etc. The music never disappoints me!
Tre Watson
Taking the time to notice when I am feeling my most anxious and slowing myself down have been the tools in my belt...
Rowan Robertson
Getting some exercise lifts my spirits...
Jason Ringenberg
My coping mechanism when things get dark, and all humans have hard times, is to do something simple and physical.
Alessandro Del Vecchio
Living in this modern world should be easy but it is not. The more we have, the more anxious we become.
David DiPietro
Sometimes being "in control" can be an illusion that promises freedom but actually keeps us from moving forward in life.
Harry Conklin
You cannot deal with your own internal pressures by yourself.
Ioannis Vasilopoulos
For me art is my escapism rather than substances of any kind.
Simone Mularoni
It was hard to convince myself that I needed help, but I finally decided to get help from a therapist...
Jason Bittner
Yoga, meditation...
Patrice Guers
You just have to be patient and let the time pass.
Tony Martin
But also things like humour... nothing like a good laugh to get you out of the shadows... humour can give breathing space...
Ronny Munroe
Therapy can be a good thing, and can help you cope with anxiety and depression.
Elli Berlin
When I'm feeling bad, I listen to or play music...
Jason McMaster
I cope with stress, normal daily occurrence... by realizing, and reminding myself, stress is fake, it does not exist...
Patrick Badger
Throughout the pandemic I made a solo record...
Blaze Bayley
The darkness follows me and when my guard is down it will try to overwhelm me.
Janice Sweet
Talk to God about it. Then talk to a friend about it and ask them to pray.
Snowy Shaw
There's nothing as rewarding as petting dogs. Best psychiatrists ever.
Nina Osegueda
I try and spend some time away from the computer.
Rick Bouwman
Didn't know anything about the business and 40 years further things still surprise me.
Rob De Luca
My "go to" method has always been work.
John Waite
I’m lucky that I can stand back, breath and be objective.
Jonah Weingarten
I deal with stress by making sure to be around or immersed in nature.
Shawn Duncan
"Everything is temporary ". I say this to myself when I am going through a rough patch and it helps me with perspective.
Warner E. Hodges
Just move forward everyday...
Michele Guaitoli
Being active to me is THE answer to the moments in which darkness attacks us!
Eric Levy
When I started learning about mantras, I thought it might be cool to have one for when I’m feeling anxiety.
Steve Brown
It’s not a quick fix, but works every time if I’m willing to wait for it!
Adam Denlinger
We can’t control life, but we can control our choices.